Hello Leafs,
We are excited to get back
on the ice this
Saturday Sept 11
Please check out the
calendar for your age group and ice time. If you are unsure what age group you are in, please email
[email protected]
LAMHA is currently working with the league to finalize the season format and schedule. We will post ice slots once we have confirmation on needed details. We know and understand you are anxious to know ice time/slots and we will get that information out asap, once we have everything in place. We appreciate your patience and look forward to starting the season.
Norfolk County Arena Protocol Arena Rental Guidelines / Requirements:
- Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times throughout the facility—with the exception of while users are on the ice (helmet on/face mask or covering off; helmet off/face mask or covering on)
- A maximum of 30 skaters/players will be allowed on the ice plus coaches
- Coaches must wear masks/face coverings at all times on the bench Designated
Dressing Rooms:
- Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times while in a dressing room
- Participants will be able to access dressing rooms no more than 20 minutes prior to their scheduled ice time and must leave within 20 minutes after leaving the ice surface - A maximum of eight (8) people are allowed in each dressing room. Chairs will be available outside the rink surface to accommodate overflow
- Showers will not be available
Seating (Stands) and Common Areas:
- Face masks/coverings must be worn at all times while seated in the stands or other designated seating areas.
- Spectators in designated seating areas who wish to consume food or drink are permitted to do so and may remove their face mask/covering for this purpose. However, they must remain socially distanced while eating/drinking and, once finished, put on their face mask/covering
We are aware of OMHA's new vaccine policies and will be discussing and posting more information soon. You can also visit www.omha.net for information or view recent articles on our homepage under the "OMHA Headlines"
LAMHA Executive