Aug 10, 2021 | LAMHA | 813 views
We are pleased to announce our registration dates and details for the upcoming season!
Registration will be in-person only
Tuesday Aug 17 from 6-8 pm at the Pavilion (behind the arena)
Saturday Aug 21 from 9 am-noon at the Pavilion
Tuesday Aug 24 from 6-8 pm at the Pavilion
Atom (U11) and older is $600
Novice (U9) and younger is $400
*cost includes jersey and socks for player to keep
cash or cheque only ** no e-transfer this year
payment plan available upon request - please speak to executive at time of registration
Just a reminder for those with outstanding fees from previous season(s), payments must be collected prior to any registration for the 2021/2022 season. We will be happy to collect outstanding fees at the registration dates.
We are still looking for coaches!!
Anyone interested in joining a fundraising committee, there will be a sign-up sheet at registration.
Our season will start earlier this year, with development/conditioning skates starting the first half of September.
See you soon !
LAMHA Executive