Aug 22, 2016 | LMHA | 1311 views
If anyone wishes to pick up slightly used equipment before the season starts, it will be available on Monday evening August 22, 2016 between 6:00 and 8:00 PM at the Minor Hockey Room at the Langton Arena. After that time, equipment will be stored and will only be available if you schedule an appointment with one of the Executive Members.
There is a wide assortment of equipment available including skates, pants, gloves and elbow, shoulder and shin pads. There are limited number of practice jerseys and hockey bags as well.
Goalie equipment is also available including:
Pads: 22"; 24" (2 Sets); 27" (2 Sets); 28":
Chest Pads: 3 Sets
Gloves: 2 Sets; 2 Single Blockers; 1 Single Catching Glove
There also starter kits available for younger players (approximately up to age 7-8). These kits include pants, gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin pads and a carry bags.