Jan 17, 2016 | LMHA | 1578 views
A Message from the Langton Minor Hockey Executive:
It has come to my attention that a great deal of discussion and confusion has occurred regarding the participation of a number of Langton Minor Hockey players in an evaluation skate over the Christmas Break.
Players from the five Norfolk Hockey Associations were invited to an evaluation skate with the intent of being chosen to play on two Spring Hockey Tournament Teams. The objective was to form two competitive teams who would hold a number of practices and then participate in 3 or 4 tournaments in the spring of 2016, after the OMHA season had concluded. Players from all associations wore team jerseys to aid in identifying them during the evaluation process.
Since the time of the evaluation day, a number of newspaper articles have circulated describing the formation of a Norfolk “elite” team capable of competing at the AA or AAA level. Perhaps intentionally, the opportunity to try out for a Spring Tournament Team has been associated with interest in the formation of Simcoe based teams made up of players from all Norfolk Minor Hockey Associations.
Let me assure you that the Langton Minor Hockey Association Executive has no interest in the formation of an “elite” team which would rob our association of its strongest players. Its existence, while being far from a reality, would greatly damage the quality, and possibly the very existence of minor hockey at the local level here in Langton and in every small centre in Norfolk.
The members of LAMHA Executive have spent too many hours trying to increase registration numbers and improve the quality of minor hockey in Langton to ever agree to anything that would undermine those efforts.
Should anyone have questions of concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to approach me at the arena, or email me via the LAMHA website.
Mike Gubesch,
President, LAMHA